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Product Features Nicekids

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Product Features:

* Materials gentle and safe for babies
* The inside of the plastic jacket containing a very soft baby and safe for baby skin
* Materials nappies (absorbing) foam containing water absorbent as a drag pee and covered with a soft  cloth surface
* Hold up to 3 times when the baby pee
* Safe for the environment because it can be reused and washed
* Does not contain chemicals (non-gel)
* Easy to use: plug in the top layer nappy pants

Product details:

* 1 set of plastic pants
* Nappy/pad 1 set

Available sizes:

* S: The newborn (2 - 7 kg)
* M: 6 months (7 - 10 kg)
* L: 9 months (11 - 13 kg)
* XL: up to age 2 years (14 - 16 kg


Pink, blue or yellow

Tips for first use:

Soak nappies in the water to maximize the absorption function